Sean Allen

Progress Report July '21

July 31st, 2021

It’s progress report time, and this one’s a doozy. Actually, this is the biggest announcement yet. Deceit (The D-Evolution #1), Decline (The D-Evolution #2), and Dishonor (The D-Evolution #3) are all live (ish). That’s right. You heard me. You can get the first three D-Evolution novels at all the usual places you’d expect. Time to party!

But why the ‘live (ish)’ comment, you ask? Well, there’s a wee delay regarding the printing partner who supplies books to Barnes & Noble.

First, their system reports launch dates for my paperbacks that were set in the future just to get things rolling. My publisher has since updated these to reflect the actual release, but apparently, their system isn’t very nimble. That means you can’t order a paperback version of the books on (Barnes & Noble) until they fix the publication date on their end. However, you can order them on Amazon.

The same folks having issues supplying with paperbacks are also in charge of printing the hardcover versions. There are delays here too, but instead of a system update issue, we’re dealing with a long delay for the product (according to their communications, it’s COVID related).

To sum up—you can’t get paperbacks from or hardcover versions of the D-Evolution books 1-3. But you can get ebooks at all the usual suspects and printed paperback versions on

It’s creeping up on fifteen years since I scratched out the first lines in this series, and it feels amazing (and scary as hell at the same time) to say that they’re out in the world. I sincerely hope you enjoy them. Happy reading!
